It doesn't even have to be purchases, what if you want to get rid of a few things? Are you going to sell them, and if so where (online, tag sale, or be it some other means).
If you do decide to sell, how much is it worth? or is it even worth selling? Maybe you're better off donating it, and if so how do you do that? As you can see research is at the center of everything we do.
So how do you go about researching in Real Estate. That's what I'll explain in this post. First I'll start on the buyer side, and then I'll move on to selling.
So as a buyer, what are looking for in a property This obvious doesn't just mean the physical structure, although a lot of it does. It also means the location and what it offers.
So what does researching location really mean? What do these neighborhoods have to offer in terms of schools, parks, protection, and a variety of other amenities.
Some may even have unique characteristics to the town or even neighborhood. For example Wethersfield has a special historic town center in Old Wethersfield featuring historical buildings and well known Connecticut businesses.
What about public transportation, if you take the bus a lot, you'll need to know where these buses stop. You wouldn't know this if you didn't do your research.
Sometimes research can mean, simply going out on showing tours, or even driving through the neighborhood before scheduling a showing. Maybe you saw something, that wasn't mentioned in the listing, that turned you away from the property.
What if you aren't sure what you want exactly. What if you not sure whether you want a 2 bedroom or 3? Seeing a few of each may sway you in either direction (thats, Research).
Now as for sellers there isn't so much involved, especially if you have to sell for one reason or another. You're moving, or you inherited the home.
Sometimes even if you think you have to sell, you might not. Renting could be an alternate way to go. Just getting to that point can be considered research.
What if you don't need to sell, but see how high the market is, so you decide to give it a try. This current market could sway an owner to do just that, again that's research.
Whether you want to sell it yourself or through a Realtor, that's research. What if you want to hire a Realtor, how do you pick one? You do your research.
Picking a Realtor is also important on the buyer side too. As a buyer you want your Realtor to show you properties in your criteria, negotiate on your behalf, and just help in the overall buying process.
As a seller, you want your Realtor to know the ins and outs of the area your property is in. Also help you negotiate with potential buyers, and help you with the overall selling process.
So I hope this article helped you whether you are on the buying side or selling. If it made you think of something that you weren't already thinking about, my work here is done.
If you are thinking of entering either side, please contact me first, I will be happy to help. Whether you are buying or selling it is a difficult process to go it alone.